Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sept 11, 2008

Sorry I haven't written in a long time. I'm going to try to start writing regularly again. In my screen directing class, I've been asked to keep a "director's file". Since it's meant to be kept like a journal, I'll prolly use this as a means to share what I find.


Anyway, I feel that it's appropriate to write today, September 11, 2008.

It's been seven years since one of the most shocking, and tragic days of my life - the day I realized the vulnerability of New York, and furthermore, the United States of America.

It was a really scary day. I was sitting in my high school's library. The TV Studio I had helped build was located in the back room, so it was my usual hangout during my free time. They had a TV with basic cable for the library staff and I remember hearing the gasps. I thought it was a joke at first. I guess that was just an optimistic hope. Ten minutes later, my eyes were glued to the TV and quickly starting to water. I wasn't the only one. Everyone was shocked by the horrible thought. They were innocent people just spending a normal day at work. They probably ate breakfast the same way they did the day before. It's unimaginable. Well, it was unimaginable seven years ago. In reacting to this day of horror, we, as a country, united in declaring a war on terror. It seems like the country has been on a steady decline since. The war, amongst other things, has drained our economy. A country, once united in an effort to survive and rebuild is now united in counting down the days til our president leaves office.

It's been seven years and I'm still hoping every day that we'll get through it.


p.s: those of you that know me know that i'm not interested in politics. i have, though, started to think about this election and i simply don't wanna write about it. the honest reason why is because I personally don't have faith in either pair. like i said above, i'm just hoping we get through this gigantic hole we're in.

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