Sunday, July 13, 2008

zach goldstein knows...

so zach hasn't showered in about 6.5 days...

we're about to start day 2 of his shoot. we shot his first day on friday.

friday night, we had more close calls than we could count. 
we had 3 seperate run-in's with cops - two of them for jay-walking. 
who would've thought? (no worries tho, no tickets or fines were issued) 

the car's headlights might have been left on by soMEone. 
as a result, we had the pleasure of looking for a jump at 2AM in downtown Pasadena. 
Luckily, we found a drunk mexican gent with the attitude "today you, tomorrow me".

Did I mention it took an hour to find the lot we were in?
They all look the same! I swear it!

TO REWIND FOR A SECOND, between friday morning (shoot) and friday night (pasadena), we had an EPIC roman candle fight. VIDEO COMING SOON! KEEP YOUR EYES PEELED!

Yesterday, we went to Laguna Beach. 
It was a really good time/ much needed stretch of the legs.
Originally, we were gonna go to Venice Beach.
After a night of drinking, we decided to sleep late and Laguna is closer. 
In the end, we concluded Laguna is Great Neck if it were a beach town.

Anyway, last thing. We've decided to push Zach to produce an online segment called "Zach Goldstein Knows..." You see, Zach Goldstein DOES know EVERYTHING. Don't you dare tell him any different! He knows dammit! (this segment will never happen but it's officially a running joke)

ANYWAY, off to the desert. catch y'all later.



1 comment:

Luke said...

Zach Goldstein knows that there has to be pizza and bagels in the desert, there HAS to be!